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Follow shorebirds on a journey of over 6,500 miles from Panama to Alaska through our webcasts and webchats. In addition, you can check out the resources about their migration stopovers along the Pacific Flyway.
Stop No. 1: Panama Bay
Panama City, Panama
Topic: Introduction: Birds, Birds and More Birds
Stop No 2: Bay of Santa Maria
Sinaloa, Mexico
Topic: Migration and Migratory Stopover Sites
CLICK HERE to watch the webcast
Stop No. 3: San Francisco Bay
San Francisco, California
Topic: Habitat
CLICK HERE to watch the webcast
Stop No. 4: Fraser River Delta
Vancouver, British Columbia
Topic: Research and Technology
CLICK HERE to watch the webcast
Stop No. 5: Stikine River Delta
Wrangell, Alaska
Topic: Shorebird Adaptations
CLICK HERE for questions and answers to the web chat
Stop No. 6: Copper River Delta
Cordova, Alaska
Topic: Status of Shorebirds Today—Big Picture
CLICK HERE to watch the webcast
Stop No. 7: Arctic Slope
Barrow, Alaska
Topic: Nesting and Breeding
CLICK HERE for questions and answers to the web chat