San Francisco Bay
San Francisco, California
Mexico to San Francisco

Welcome to San Francisco Bay near San Francisco, California. The shorebirds will have traveled 1,750 miles (2,010 kilometers) from Santa Maria Bay in Sinaloa, Mexico, to arrive for a rest and a meal in San Francisco Bay. San Francisco Bay is 3,340 miles (5,440 kilometers) from Panama Bay!

There are a number of ways you can join us at San Francisco Bay:

  • Fly in to the exact location where the birds rest with a Google Earth Tour before continuing on the journey.
  • Use the classroom-tested lesson plans provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which emphasize shorebird habitat.  Shorebirds, like all wildlife populations, rely on healthy habitat. Shorebirds may use three very diferent habitat types and geographic areas for breeding, resting during migration, and living the majority of the year. For instance, shorebirds that nest in the northern tundra may migrate inland, stopping near ponds, and spend the winter on southern mudflats.